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Saturday, March 26, 2011

Social Media Marketing

The following post is a prime example of the coming age of Social Media, in terms of how it is effecting ecomomies. Read and develop a forward thinking about the future of Social Media marketing. 

Jeff KnittelI facilitate a "Social Media 101" class and have witnessed both ends of the spectrum. Some dealerships are totally bought in and using Social Media effectively while other Dealers have the old school mentality, "if salespeople are on computers they are playing around", in fact some dealerships actually forbid it. The only thing I can say to those dealers is, "Remember Oldsmobile?" If you are not evolving and adapting to the current customer base in the market, you will fail.
The problem with Social Media from a Dealer's standpoint is that there is no instant gratification, Social Media is not about selling a vehicle "TODAY". It's about building relationships with your customers, it's about customer retention and keeping your customers engaged.
Generation Y is the "New" generation and will be both your customers and your employees, they are the most educated generation ever and also the most tatooed, pierced and technologically advanced. But if you don't think they can have an effect on your dealership and you want to totally dismiss them, think about this. What have they done to the newspaper industry? The recording industry? Technology?
Evolution is the key and I would suggest you be proactive and be a leader and a pioneer, don't sit back and let your competition pass you by!
One last note, if you watched 60 minutes on Sunday February 13th you would have seen the segment where Social Media actually caused the downfall of the Egyptian government....need I say more?

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